En el primer semestre de este año, la República Dominicana recibió casi seis millones de visitantes, lo que refleja un crecimiento constante en el sector turístico. El Ministro de Turismo, David Collado, anunció que tan solo en junio, el país recibió 758,719 turistas por vía aérea, lo que representa un aumento del 7% en comparación con el mismo mes en 2023, un 17% más que en 2022 y un 39% más que en 2019. También destacó el crecimiento en las llegadas por mar, con 165,017 cruceristas visitando en junio, reflejando un aumento del 15% en comparación con el año pasado, un 111% en comparación con 2022 y un 182% en comparación con 2019.

Durante los primeros seis meses del año, el país recibió un total de 4,474,981 turistas, lo que representa un crecimiento del 9% en comparación con el mismo período en 2023, un 26% en comparación con 2022 y un 31% en comparación con 2019. Además, en los primeros seis meses se registraron 1,473,642 pasajeros de cruceros, con un aumento del 16% en comparación con 2023, un 166% en comparación con 2022 y un 159% en comparación con 2019. En total, el número de visitantes ascendió a 5,950,726, lo que representa un aumento del 11% respecto al primer semestre de 2023, un 45% respecto a 2022 y un 43% respecto a 2019. Collado predice que el país recibirá 11.4 millones de visitantes para finales de año, con una ocupación hotelera del 72% a pesar de la temporada baja. También destacó el impacto positivo del acuerdo de cielos abiertos en el turismo.

Collado also emphasized the importance of sustainable tourism development, highlighting the government’s efforts to protect the environment and promote responsible tourism practices. He mentioned initiatives such as the certification of sustainable tourism destinations and the implementation of environmental regulations to preserve the natural resources of the country. Collado affirmed the commitment to balancing tourism growth with environmental conservation, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the Dominican Republic’s natural beauty. He also mentioned the promotion of community-based tourism projects to involve local communities in the tourism industry and boost the economy at the grassroots level.

As the country continues to welcome a growing number of visitors, Collado stressed the importance of ensuring a high-quality tourism experience for all tourists. He highlighted the government’s focus on improving infrastructure, enhancing security measures, and providing excellent hospitality services to meet the needs and expectations of travelers. Collado mentioned ongoing efforts to upgrade transportation systems, renovate hotels, and train tourism personnel to deliver top-tier services. He also pointed out the promotion of diverse tourism offerings, including ecotourism, cultural tourism, and adventure tourism, to attract a wider range of visitors and showcase the country’s unique attractions.

Collado also discussed the positive economic impact of tourism on the Dominican Republic, emphasizing the sector’s role as a key driver of economic growth and job creation. He highlighted the significant contributions of tourism to the country’s GDP and employment rate, mentioning the creation of new job opportunities in various sectors, such as hospitality, transportation, and entertainment. Collado underscored the importance of diversifying the tourism sector to reduce dependency on traditional markets and expand the country’s presence in emerging markets. He mentioned strategic partnerships with international tour operators and airlines to increase the country’s visibility and attract more tourists from different regions.

In conclusion, Collado expressed optimism about the future of tourism in the Dominican Republic, citing the strong performance in visitor arrivals and the government’s commitment to sustainable development and high-quality services. He affirmed the country’s potential to become a leading tourism destination in the Caribbean region, offering diverse attractions, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality to travelers from around the world. Collado urged continued collaboration between the public and private sectors to drive innovation, enhance competitiveness, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the tourism industry in the Dominican Republic. He encouraged stakeholders to work together towards a shared vision of sustainable tourism that benefits both the economy and the environment.

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