CellPoint Digital y Arajet han establecido una asociación para proporcionar a Arajet una robusta red de pagos capaz de soportar una amplia gama de métodos de pago alternativos (APM). Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo minimizar los costos de transacción y apoyar la expansión de la aerolínea en nuevos mercados. Victor Pacheco Mendez, CEO y fundador de Arajet, destacó la importancia de esta asociación, afirmando que como una aerolínea en crecimiento en la región, necesitaban una solución de pagos que respaldara su expansión, mantuviera las tarifas asequibles y se alineara con las preferencias de pago de sus mercados objetivo.

Kristian Gjerding, CEO de CellPoint Digital, resaltó la importancia de la tecnología de pago innovadora para aerolíneas de tarifas bajas como Arajet, lo que les ayuda a permanecer competitivas. Cabe destacar que la solución de CellPoint permite a Arajet introducir servicios de pago de valor agregado en nuevos mercados, aumentando los ingresos. Como líder en soluciones de pago para aerolíneas y viajes, CellPoint Digital es un socio estratégico en el crecimiento de Arajet en las Américas. Esta asociación permitirá a Arajet integrar rápidamente nuevos APMs para vuelos en México, Brasil y Colombia, utilizando la única conexión API de CellPoint, lo que apoyará aún más su expansión en América del Norte y Latina.

Regarding the partnership, it is evident that Arajet’s CEO and founder sees the collaboration as an essential aspect of the airline’s growth and success. By emphasizing the need for a payment solution that aligns with their expansion plans and target markets, Arajet aims to continue providing affordable fares while staying competitive in the industry. With CellPoint Digital’s expertise in payment solutions for airlines, this partnership is expected to facilitate Arajet’s integration of various payment methods and boost its revenue in key markets across the Americas.
Victor Pacheco Mendez’s statement underscores the strategic importance of the partnership in Arajet’s expansion strategy and its goal to cater to diverse payment preferences in the regions where they operate. By leveraging CellPoint’s innovative payment technology, Arajet can improve its payment services and introduce value-added features to enhance the customer experience, ultimately leading to increased revenue and growth prospects. This alignment with CellPoint Digital is likely to position Arajet as a competitive player in the airline industry, especially in the North and Latin American markets, where they are seeking to expand significantly.
Furthermore, the partnership highlights the broader trend in the travel and airline industry towards embracing alternative payment methods to cater to a global customer base with diverse preferences. By enabling Arajet to integrate new APMs quickly and efficiently through CellPoint’s API connection, the airline can adapt to changing payment trends and consumer demands, ensuring a seamless payment experience for passengers. This adaptability and flexibility in payment solutions are crucial for staying ahead of the competition and meeting the evolving needs of today’s travelers.
Overall, the collaboration between CellPoint Digital and Arajet signifies a strategic move towards enhancing payment capabilities and maximizing revenue opportunities for the airline in the competitive aviation market. By leveraging CellPoint’s payment expertise and technology, Arajet can streamline its payment processes, introduce new payment methods, and expand its presence in key markets, driving growth and success. The partnership reflects a shared commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and business growth, setting the stage for a fruitful collaboration that will benefit both companies and passengers alike.

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