Ivelin Giro, a Cuban actress and model, has released her two-time Emmy-winning documentary "Mambochella" and its accompanying soundtrack, "I Love Mambo," for global distribution. The documentary was discovered at the Omni Cultural TV Fest, founded by Puerto Rican Kiki Meléndez and Cindy Cowan, where it won the Omni Award in 2021 and later received two Emmy awards in December 2023. Meléndez, a successful comedian in the US, also founded Latin Hollywood Films and Omni Cultural TV, producing many comedy specials in the Dominican Republic.
"Mambochella" showcases an array of artists from around the world coming together to create an album that pays tribute to Mambo’s golden era while incorporating diverse elements. The documentary provides a behind-the-scenes look at the recording of Mambo Babalu’s debut album, "I Love Mambo," at Miami’s Peer Music Studios. The album features 12 tracks honoring the original Mambo Kings like Perez Prado, Benny Moré, and Tito Puente, among others. The project reunites renowned musicians, vocalists, and descendants of Cuban music icons who hadn’t performed together in over three decades due to political tensions in Cuba.
The film "Mambochella" aired as part of PBS’s filmmaker series and won two Emmy Awards in December 2023 for Best Nostalgic Documentary and Best Editing. Ivelin Giro, the executive producer of the film, collaborated with Director Fabian Cardenas and Executive Producer Adeline Ferro on the project. Giro, who started her career as a model at 14, faced persecution in Europe for her work but eventually found success in the industry. She has since transitioned to producing and acting in Los Angeles, sharing the screen with industry giants like Will Smith and Steven Bauer.
Giro’s memoirs are set to be released this year, offering a deeper look into her life and career. Through projects like "Mambochella" and "I Love Mambo," Giro aims to shape global perceptions of Cuba and showcase the country’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant rhythms. Despite facing adversity throughout her career, Giro’s journey has been defined by resilience and innovation, allowing her to thrive in the entertainment industry and inspire others with her work.